Face, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, and Throat Examination Of The Newborn

In newborns, almost more than at any other time, it is important to look carefully at the face, eyes, ears, nose, mouth and throat. Look at the face straight on. Is the nose straight? Are the external nares symmetrical? During the birth process the nasal septum can be dislocated from its position in the vomerine notch. Marked asymmetry of the size of the external flares, which are normally of equal size and shape, is a sign of this abnormality. If recognized early, an experienced otolaryngologist can easily return the nasal septum to its normal position.

Eyes Examination Of Newborn
Look at the eyes. Are they slanting up or down? Do the eyes appear too big or too small? Does one eye appear larger than the other? Do they

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