Examination of The Abdomen in Infant

Examination of The Abdomen in Infant

The normal appearance of the abdomen in newborns is full, protruding, and round. It should not be fl at or sunken (scaphoid), nor should it appear tense. A sunken or scaphoid abdomen is always a cause for concern. Where are the intestines? Is the flat abdomen due to a diaphragmatic hernia? Is it due to poor muscle tone from a neurologic insult or fl accid musculature? In any case, it is a cause for alarm. A tense abdomen may signify an obstruction in the gastrointestinal tract or a perforation of a viscus, with resultant leakage of gas and the development of peritonitis and ileus. Intestinal malrotation resulting from a defect in development can predispose to volvulus. Intestinal atresias occur

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