Allergic, Parasitic Infections and Malignant Disease

In adults and older children, eosinophils represent a small percentage of the circulating granulocytes. Their numbers are increased in allergic reaction, allergic states, parasitic (particularly metazoal) infections, and in certain autoimmune or malignant disease states. In the fetus and neonate, eosinophils commonly represent a sizable fraction of the total number of circulating granulocytes and allergic reaction. At 18 to 30 weeks of gestation, total granulocytes represent only about 10% of total circulating leukocytes, whereas eosinophils constitute 10% to 20% of total granulocytes. Similarly, in premature neonates, the numbers of eosinophils are increased relative to those in term neonates, often reaching values of 1500 to

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